International peer reviewed publications:
Original publications
- E. Zetterberg, A. Leclercq, E. Persson-Sjödin, J. Lundblad, P. Haubro Andersen, E. Hernlund and M. Rhodin. Prevalence of vertical movement asymmetries in foals; a description of Standardbred trotter foals and Warmblood riding foals in straight line trot. PlosOne-accepted
- F. Järemo Lawin, A. Byström, C. Roepstorff, M. Almlöf, M. Silva, M. Rhodin, P. Haubro Andersen, H. Kjellström, E. Hernlund (2023). Is markerless more or less? Comparing a smartphone computer vision method for equine lameness assessment to multi camera motion capture. Animals.
- Rhodin M., Smit I.H., Persson-Sjodin E., Pfau T., Gunnarsson V., Björnsdóttir S., Zetterberg E. H.M. Clayton, S.J. Hobbs, Serra Bragança F. and Hernlund E. (2022). Vertical movement of head, withers and pelvis, and their timing relative to footfall, in different equine gaits and breeds. Animals 2022, 12(21), 3053;
- E. Marunova, K. Hoenecke, A. Fiske-Jackson, R. Smith, D. M. Bolt, M.Perrier, C. Gerdes, E. Hernlund, M. Rhodin, T. Pfau. (2022). Changes in head, withers and pelvis movement asymmetry in lame horses as a function of diagnostic analgesia outcome, surface and direction. Journal of Equine Veterinary Science. Volume 118,
- A. Leclercq, A. Byström, M. Söderlind, E. Persson, M. Rhodin, M. T. Engell and E. Hernlund. (2022) Evaluation of feedback methods for improved detection of hindlimb lameness in horses among riding instructors and trainers. Front. Vet. Sci. – Veterinary Surgery and Anesthesiology.
- K. Ask, P. Haubro Andersen, L. Tamminen, M. Rhodin and E. Hernlund. (2022). Performance of four equine pain scales and movement asymmetry in horses with varying degrees of induced orthopaedic pain. Front. Vet. Sci. – Veterinary Surgery and Anesthesiology.
- C. Roepstorff, A. Imogen Gmel1, S. Arpagaus, F. Serra-Bragança, E.Hernlund, L.Roepstorff, M. Rhodin, M. Weishaupt (2022) Modelling fore- and hindlimb peak vertical force differences in trotting horses using upper body kinematic asymmetry variables. Journal of Biomechanics.
- M. Rhodin, P. Haubro Andersen, K. Holm Forsström and C. Ekstrand (2021). In vivo joint synovial fluid disposition of a novel sustained-release formulation of diclofenac and hyaluronic acid in horses. Journal of Veterinary Pharmacology and Therapeutics, DOI: 10.1111/jvp.13033,
- M. Tijssen, F.M. Serra Braganςa, K. Ask, M.Rhodin, P. Haubro Andersen, E. Telezhenko, C. Bergsten, M. Nielen, E. Hernlund (2021). Kinematic gait characteristics of straight line walk in clinically sound dairy cows. PlosOne,
- T. Pfau, E.Persson-Sjodin, H. Gardner, O. Orssten, E.Hernlund, M. Rhodin (2021). Effect of Speed and Surface Type on Individual Rein and Combined Left-Right Circle Movement Asymmetry in Horses on the Lunge. Frontiers in Veterinary Science,
- J. Lundblad, M. Rashid, M. Rhodin and P. Haubro Andersen (2021). Effect of transportation and social isolation on facial expressions of healthy horses. PlosOne,
- I. Hillie Smit, E. Herlund, H. Brommer, R. van Weeren, M. Rhodin, F. Serra Bragança (2021) Continuous versus discrete data analysis for gait evaluation of horses with induced bilateral hindlimb lameness. Equine Veterinary Journal.
- M. Connysson, M. Rhodin, A. Bergh, and A. Jansson. (2021) Effects of horse housing on musculoskeletal system post-exercise recovery. Comparative Exercise and Physiology.
- M. K Rosengren, H. Sigurðardóttir, S. Eriksson, R. Naboulsi, A. Jouni, E. Albertsdóttir, Þ. Kristjánsson, M. Rhodin, Å. Viklund, B. D Velie, J. J Negro, M. Solé & G. Lindgren (2021). A novel QTL for conformation of back and croup influences lateral gait quality in Icelandic horses BMC Genomics 22, 267 (2021).
- A. S. Kallerud, E. Hernlund, A. Byström, E. Persson-Sjodin, M. Rhodin, E. H. S. Hendrickson, C. T. Fjordbakk (2020). Non-banked curved tracks influence movement symmetry in two-year-old Standardbred trotters Equine Veterinary Journal,
- K. Ask, M. Rhodin, L. Tamminen, E. Hernlund and P. Haubro Andersen (2020). Identification of body behaviors and facial expressions associated with induced orthopedic pain in four equine pain scales. Animals,
- Serra Bragança F.M., Broomé S., Rhodin M., Björnsdóttir S., Gunnarsson V., Voskamp J.,Persson-Sjodin E.P, Back W., Lindgren G., Novoa-Bravo M., Roepstorff C., Van der Zwaag B.J., Van Weeren P.R. and Hernlund E. (2020). Improving gait classification in horses by using inertial measurement unit (IMU) generated data and machine learning. Nature Scientific Reports,
- F.M. Serra Bragança*, E. Hernlund, M.H. Halling-Thomsen, N.M. Waldern, M. Rhodin, Anna Byström, P.R. van Weeren, and M.A. Weishaupt. (2020). Adaptation strategies of horses with induced forelimb lameness walking on a treadmill. Equine Veterinary Journal,
- A.S. Kallerud, C.T. Fjordbakk, E.H.S. Hendrickson, E. Persson-Sjodin, M. Hammarberg, M. Rhodin, E. Hernlund (2020). Objectively measured Movement Asymmetry in Yearling Standardbread Trotters. Equine Veterinary Journal,
- M. Tijssen, E. Hernlund, M. Rhodin, S. Bosch, J.P. Voskamp, M. Nielen, F.M. Serra Braganςa (2020). Automatic detection of the break-over phase in horses based on hoof-mounted inertial measurement units. PlosOne
- M. Tijssen, E. Hernlund, M. Rhodin, S. Bosch, J.P. Voskamp, M. Nielen, F.M. Serra Braganςa (2020). A method for automatic hoof-event detection in horses based on hoof-mounted inertial measurement units. PlosOne
- A. Byström, H. M. Clayton, E. Hernlund, L.Roepstorff, M. Rhodin, F.S. Bragança, M. T. Engell, R. van Weeren, M. A. Weishaupt and A. Egenvall (2020). Asymmetries of horses walking and trotting on a treadmill with and without a rider. EVJ
- J. Winther Christensen, S. Bathellier, M. Rhodin, R. Palme, M. Uldahl (2020). Increased rider weight did not induce changes in behavior and physiological parameters in horses. Animals, 10 (1), 95;
- M. Connysson, M. Rhodin and A. Jansson (2019). Effects of horse housing system on energy balance during post-exercise. Animals, 9 (11), 976;
- A. Egenvall, A. Byström, L. Roepstorff, M. Rhodin, M. Weishaupt, R. van Weeren, H. Clayton. (2019). Withers vertical movement asymmetry in dressage horses walking in different head-neck positions with and without riders. Journal of Veterinary Behavior.
- F.M. Serra Bragança, C. Roepstorff, M. Rhodin, T. Pfau, P. R. van Weeren and L. Roepstorff (2019). Quantitative lameness assessment in the horse based on upper body movement symmetry: The effect of different filtering techniques on the quantification of motion symmetry. Biomedical Signal Processing and Control.
- E. Persson-Sjodin, E. Hernlund, T. Pfau, P. Haubro Andersen, K. Holm Forsström, M. Rhodin (2019). Effect of meloxicam treatment on movement asymmetry in riding horses in training. PlosOne.
- C. Ekstrand, U. Bondesson, E. Giving, M. Hedeland, C. Ingvast-Larsson, S. Jacobsen, M. Löfgren, L. Moen, M. Rhodin, T. Saetra and B. Ranheim (2019). Disposition and Effect of Intra-Articularly Administered Dexamethasone on Lipopolysaccharide Induced Equine Synovitis. Acta Vet Scand. Jun. 20;61(1):28,
- Rhodin M., Persson Sjodin E., Egenvall, A., Serra Bragança, F.M., Pfau, T., Roepstorff, L., Weishaupt M.A., Thomsen, M.H., van Weeren, P.R. and Hernlund. E. (2018). Vertical movement symmetry of the withers in horses with induced forelimb and hindlimb lameness at trot. Equine Veterinary Journal.
- Persson-Sjodin E. Hernlund E. Pfau T. Haubro Andersen P. and Rhodin M. (2018). Influence of seating styles on head and pelvic vertical movement symmetry in horses ridden at trot. PlosOne 2018 Apr 5;13(4):e0195341.
- M. Rhodin, A. Byström, L. Roepstorff, E. Hernlund, P. R. van Weeren, M.A. Weishaupt and A. Egenvall (2018). Effect of different head and neck positions on kinematics of elite dressage horses ridden at walk. Comparative Exercise Physiology: 14 (2) – Pages: 69 – 78
- T. Pfau, M. F. Sepulveda Caviedes, R. McCarthy, L. Cheetham, B. Forbes, M. Rhodin. (2018) Comparison of visual lameness scores to gait asymmetry in racing Thoroughbreds during trot in-hand. Equine Veterinary Education, DOI: 10.1111/eve.12914.
- Pfau T., Noordwijk K., Sepulveda Caviedes M. F., Persson-Sjödin E. and Rhodin M. (2018) Head, withers and pelvic movement asymmetry and their relative timing in trot in racing Thoroughbreds in training. Equine Veterinary Journal,
- A. Byström, A. Egenvall, L. Roepstorff, M. Rhodin, F. S. Bragança, E. Hernlund, R. van Weeren, M. A. Weishaupt, H.M. (2018) Clayton. Biomechanical Findings in Horses Showing Asymmetrical Vertical Excursions of the Withers at Walk. PlosOne,
- A. Egenvall, M. Eisersio, M. Rhodin, L. Roepstorff and H. Clayton. (2018) Modelling rein tension during riding sessions using the generalized additive modeling technique. Comparative Exercise Physiology,
- M A. Novoa-Bravo, K. J. Fegraeus, M.Rhodin, E. Strand, L. F. García, G. Lindgren (2018). Selection on the Colombian paso horse’s gaits has produced kinematic differences partly explained by the DMRT3 gene. PlosOne
- A. Byström, L. Roepstorff, M. Rhodin, F. S. Bragança, M. T. Engell, E. Hernlund, E. Persson-Sjödin, R. van Weeren, Weishaupt and A. Egenvall.(2018) Lateral movement of the saddle relative to the equine spine in rising and sitting trot on a treadmill. PlosOne
- J. Vertz, D. Deblanc, M. Rhodin, T. Pfau. (2018) Effect of a unilateral hind limb orthotic lift on upper body movement symmetry in horses in trot. PlosOne,
- A. Bergh, C. B. Gómez Álvarez, M. Rhodin, P. Gustås (2018). Head and pelvic vertical displacement in dogs with induced swinging limb lameness. Acta Vet Scandinavia
- Gómez Álvarez C.B, Bergh. A, Gustås P. and Rhodin M. (2017) Vertical head and pelvic movement symmetry at the trot in dogs with induced supporting limb lameness. The Veterinary Journal,
- Serra Bragança, F; Rhodin M.; Wiestner, T; Hernlund, E; Pfau, T; van Weeren, R; Weishaupt, M. (2017) Quantification of the effect of instrumentation error in objective gait assessment in the horse on hind limb symmetry parameters. Equine Veterinary Journal.
- Rhodin M., Egenvall A., Haubro Andersen P. and Pfau T. (2017) Head and pelvic movement asymmetries at trot in riding horses in training and perceived as free from lameness by the owner. Plos One.
- Rhodin M., Bergh A., Gustås P. and Gómez Álvarez C.B. (2017) Inertial sensors based system for lameness detection in trotting dogs with induced lameness. The Veterinary Journal.
- Egenvall A, Roepstorff L., Rhodin M., Eisersiö M. and Clayton H. M. (2016) Maximum and minimum peaks in rein tension within canter strides. Journal of Veterinary Behavior, Volume 13, 63-71
- Pfau T., Boultbee H., Davis H., Walker A. and Rhodin M. (2016) Agreement between two inertial sensor gait analysis systems for lameness examinations in horses. Equine Equine vet. Educ. 28 (4) 203-208.
- Hammarberg M, Egenvall A, Pfau T and Rhodin M. (2016) Rater agreement of visual lameness assessment in horses during lungeing: Equine Veterinary journal Vol 48, Issue 1, start page 78- 82.
- Pfau T., Jennings,C., Mitchell H., Olsen E., Walker A., Egenvall A., Tröster S., Weller R., Rhodin M. (2016) Lungeing on hard and soft surfaces: Movement symmetry of trotting horses considered sound by their owners. Equine Vet. J. Jan;48(1):83-9.
- Rhodin M., Roepstorff L., French A., Keegan K., Pfau T. Egenvall A. (2016) Head and pelvic movement asymmetry during lungeing in horses with symmetrical movement on the straight. Equine Veterinary journal, 48(3):315-20.
- Egenvall A, Roepstorff L, Eisersiö M, Rhodin M. and van Weeren R. (2015) Stride-related rein tension patterns in walk and trot in the ridden horse. Acta Veterinaria Scandinavica, DOI: 10.1186/s13028-015-0182-3.
- Egenvall, M. Eisersiö, M. Rhodin, R. van Weeren and L. Roepstorff. (2015) Rein tension during canter. Comparative Exercise Physiology, Volume: 11 Issue: 2 107-117.
- Eisersiö M., Rhodin M., Roepstorff L. and Egenvall A. (2015) Rein tension in 8 professional riders during regular training sessions. Journal of Veterinary Behavior, 10 (5), 419-426.
- Byström A., von Peinen K., Weishaupt M.A., Roepstorff L., Rhodin M. (2015) Differences in the rider´s movement pattern between different degrees of collection at the trot in high-level dressage horses ridden on a treadmill. Human Movement Science, 41 1–8.
- Eisersiö M., Roepstorff L., Rhodin M. and Egenvall A. (2015) A snapshot of the training schedule for 8 professional riders riding dressage. Comparative Exercise Physiology, 11(1):35-45.
- Bergh A., Egenvall A., Olsson E., Uhlhorn M., and Rhodin M. (2014) Evaluation of skin displacement in the equine neck. Comparative Exercise Physiology, 10 (3):181-186.
- Rhodin M., Roepstorff L., Pfau T., Egenvall A. (2013) Effect of lunging on head and pelvic movement asymmetry and compensatory effects in horses with induced lameness. Vet. J. 198 Suppl , e39–45.
- Byström A., Rhodin M., von Peinen K., Weishaupt M.A., Roepstorff L. (2010). Kinematics of saddle and rider in high-level dressage horses performing collected walk on a treadmill. Equine Veterinary Journal, 340-345
- Roepstorff L., Egenvall A., Rhodin M., Byström A., Johnston C., van Weeren PR., Weishaupt M. (2009). Kinetics and kinematics of the horse comparing left and right rising trot. Equine Veterinary Journal, vol 41, nr 3, 292-296.
- Rhodin M., Gómez Alvarez CB., Byström A., Johnston C., van Weeren PR., Roepstorff L., Weishaupt MA. (2009). The effect of different head and neck positions on the caudal back and hindlimb kinematics in the elite dressage horse at trot. Equine Veterinary Journal, vol 41, nr 3, 274-279.
- Gómez Alvarez CB., Rhodin M., Byström A., Back W., van Weeren PR. (2009). Back kinematics of healthy trotting horses during treadmill versus over ground locomotion. Equine Veterinary Journal, vol 41, nr 3, 297-300.
- Byström A., Rhodin M., von Peinen K., Weishaupt MA., Roepstorff L. (2009). Basic kinematics of the saddle and rider in high-level dressage horses trotting on a treadmill. Equine Veterinary Journal, vol 41, nr 3, 280-284.
- Wennerstrand J., Johnston C., Rhodin M., Roethlisberger Holm K., and Drevemo S. (2006) The effect of weighted boots on the movement of the back in the asymptomatic riding horse. Equine and Comparative Exercise Physiology 3 (1); 13-18.
- Gómez Álvarez C.B., Rhodin M., Bobbert M.F., Meyer H., Weishaupt M.A., Johnston C. and van Weeren P.R. (2006) The effect of head and neck position on the thoracolumbar kinematics in the unridden horse. Equine Vet J 36, 445-451.
- Rhodin, M., Johnston C., Roethlisberger Holm K., Wennerstrand J. and Drevemo S. (2005) The influence of head and neck position on kinematics of the back in riding horses at the walk and trot. Equine Vet J 37, 7-11.
Review publication
- L. Wright, E. Hernlund, C. Fjordbakk, B. Ytrehus, E. Law, M. Uhlhorn and M. Rhodin Patellar ligament desmopathy in the horse – a review and comparison to human patellar tendinopathy (‘Jumper’s knee’), Comparative Exercise Physiology.
- P. Haubro Andersen, S. Broomé, M. Rashid, J. Lundblad, K. Ask, Z. Li, M. Rhodin, E. Hernlund, H. Kjellström (2021). Towards machine recognition of facial expressions of pain in horses. Animals 2021, 11(6), 1643;
- A. Byström, H. M. Clayton, Hernlund, E., Rhodin, M. and A. Egenvall (2019) Equestrian and biomechanical perspectives on laterality in the horse. Comparative Exercise Physiology.
- F.M. Serra Bragança, M. Rhodin and P. R. van Weeren. (2018) On the brink of daily clinical application of objective gait analysis: What evidence do we have so far from studies using an induced lameness model? The Veterinary Journal,
- Pfau T., Fiske-Jackson A., and Rhodin M. (2016) Quantitative assessment of gait parameters in horses: Useful for aiding clinical decision making? Equine vet. Education. 28 (4) 209-215.
- P.R. van Weeren, T. Pfau, M. Rhodin, L. Roepstorff, F.M Serra Braganca, M.A. Weishaupt. (2018) What is lameness and what (or who) is the gold standard to detect it? Equine Veterinary Journal.
- P.R. van Weeren, T. Pfau, M. Rhodin, L. Roepstorff, F.M Serra Braganca, M.A. Weishaupt. (2017) Do we have to redefine lameness in the era of quantitative gait analysis? Equine Veterinary Journal,
3.3.2 Other publications
PhD thesis
- Rhodin, Marie. 2008. A Biomechanical Analysis of Relationship Between the Head and Neck Position, Vertebral Column and Limbs in the horse at Walk and Trot. Doctoral thesis. Acta Universitatis Agriculturae Sueciae 2008:01.
Popular articles
- Lameness in horses, lungeing and movement asymmetry vs. Lameness, The Ferriers journal, 2018
- Prevalensen av rörelseasymmetrier hos ridhästar i träning, Swedish Veterinary Journal (Svensk veterinärtidning), 2017
- Undersökning av hälta med objektiv rörelseanalys (co-author). Swedish Veterinary Journal (Svensk veterinärtidning), 2017
- Banbrytande forskning inom hältutredningen, Islandshästtidningen, 2016
- Teknikens hästkliv in i hältdiagnostiken, Travronden, 2016
- Visual assessment of lameness during lungeing 2014
- Lame or not lame during lungeing? 2014
- How does lungeing affect the motion pattern of the horse? 2014
- How does lungeing affect the motion pattern of the horse? 2013
- ”Hältutredning – en avancerad konst som kan få hjälp på traven av ny teknik”. Equilibris, nr 1-2011. Attachment E1